Interview Elisa Achterberg (in Dutch)
Zodra er een model is dat een investeerder in Excel kan plakken,
dan kun je nieuwe samenwerkingsvormen financieren. Het is eigenlijk heel simpel – die werkwijze sluit aan bij hun belevingswereld – en dan gaat implementatie gemakkelijk.
Interview Jan Jonker (Jan 2024) (in Dutch)
Articles & Blogs Share this post Prof. Dr. Jan Jonker Emeritus Hoogleraar Duurzaam Ondernemen Radboud Universiteit Van Wikipedia: Jan Jonker is een Nederlands bedrijfskundige, methodoloog, organisatieadviseur en was hoogleraar duurzaam en circulair ondernemen aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en hoogleraar aan de Toulouse Business School (Frankrijk) en Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgie). Jonker schreef, […]
Interview Rita McRath
Key elements of an investment strategy for a productive sustainable economy – Interview with Rita McGrath
Circular Venture Building
It is my honor to announce the launch of the Circular Venture Building Report of 2024. It was created in collaboration with Invest NL and Het Groene Brein, and ten experts from various fields of the circular industry. Together, we analyzed and debated the emerging fundamentals of what it would take for a new economy – one that is circular, sustainable, regenerative – to truly work. We asked what needs to be dismantled, and what is missing for circular entrepreneurship to succeed.
Green Chemistry Ventures
To become successful, green chemistry ventures need to develop market traction, create value and make a positive impact all at once. Standard ‘startup methodologies’ fall short – learn more about how we co-develop new methodology together with the startups and academia.
FRAM – Practical Strategy in a Day
Our approach forces teams to plan, review, reframe and re-boost their scaling quest in a disciplined way
Go Luck Yourself
How do you keep going when everything is telling you to quit?
Fastlane #5 kicks off with a BANG
The transformation of the Food Industry will be shaped by companies that dare to break the conventions. Maybe not as wild as the Sex Pistols – but at least as revolutionary as the Ramones.